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August 2, 2023

How Staff Augmentation is Transforming the Tech Industry

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In the technology sector, a prominent challenge is the recruitment and retention of apt talent. This hurdle becomes pronounced when complex solutions like blockchain and web-based applications need to be implemented. Notable blockchain companies like Membrane and Hatom have successfully leveraged staff augmentation, a strategy that accelerates development, reduces costs, and ensures efficient deployment of intricate solutions.

Hatom Case Study: Driving Business Growth

Hatom, a blockchain-based lending protocol, recognized the need for such a service in the Elrond Network. The primary challenge was sourcing a skilled, committed development team. They tackled this through technical partnership, meticulously selecting Rather Labs for their expertise in blockchain and impressive portfolio.

Once onboard, Rather Labs' team integrated smoothly with Hatom's existing staff, establishing regular communication channels and understanding project expectations. Their partnership with Hatom Labs in March 2022 led to the development of a decentralized lending protocol. By July 2023, the Lending Protocol and Liquid Staking features were successfully launched on Elrond’s Mainnet, achieving over $50 million TVL within an hour.

Throughout the process, Rather Labs performed comprehensive protocol reviews, designed and tested smart contracts, and went through several security audits.

The result was Hatom's significant success, reaching over $100M USD TVL and becoming one of the top 18 blockchains by DeFi TVL. It also became the most audited protocol on the Elrond blockchain. This case showcases how a technical partner can accelerate a project's success. By securing the right talent, Hatom improved development speed and efficiency, innovating within the tech landscape, while enhancing product roadmaps and technical procedures.

What is Staff Augmentation and Why Does It Matter

Staff augmentation is an effective strategy that lets businesses supplement their in-house teams with specialized expertise, specifically tailored to project requirements. This globally accepted model is responsible for an annual expenditure of approximately $500 billion on IT staffing services worldwide. But its benefits and challenges are not one-size-fits-all - they vary significantly by industry.

Staff Augmentation: Industry-Specific Insights and Applications

The impact of staff augmentation varies by industry. In financial services, it provides a means to navigate complex regulatory requirements. For instance, businesses can hire temporary compliance officers to align with standards set by bodies like the SEC. Further, amid rapid 

FinTech evolution, temporary software engineers or blockchain developers can facilitate efficient transactions using decentralized ledger systems. As data security gains importance, temporary data scientists or machine learning engineers can help craft predictive models for risk assessment and fraud detection. Additionally, the rise of digital banking can necessitate temporary full-stack developers to create secure mobile banking applications. Thus, staff augmentation serves as a strategic tool to adapt to tech advancements, fulfill project needs, and maintain competitiveness.

The retail sector can leverage staff augmentation for digital transformation. Retailers might engage temporary software engineers to develop seamless ecommerce platforms, improving the customer shopping experience and boosting online sales.

In healthcare, staff augmentation can enhance patient care quality and efficiency. Temporary DevOps engineers can be employed to manage medical data systems, implementing CI/CD pipelines to maintain healthcare software, and ensuring patient data security. They might also work on telemedicine platforms to broaden healthcare service reach, enabling remote consultations.

In gaming, staff augmentation facilitates game development and adaptability to player demands. Temporary software engineers and game developers can expedite new game launches or updates. Graphic designers or 3D artists can create engaging visuals, while AI specialists can develop advanced game behavior. AR/VR specialists can be brought in to provide immersive gaming experiences, and QA testers ensure smooth, bug-free gaming. DevOps engineers manage online gaming servers for uninterrupted gaming experiences. By leveraging staff augmentation, gaming companies can respond to industry trends, meet deadlines, and deliver quality gaming experiences.

Integrating Augmented Staff with Existing Teams: Best Practices

The success of staff augmentation relies heavily on the seamless integration of temporary staff with existing teams. This process can be supported by a clear onboarding process, setting explicit expectations, and fostering collaboration. Mentorship programs can aid the assimilation of temporary staff, helping them understand the company's culture and operational processes, thereby enhancing productivity.

To maintain a strong company culture and efficient communication, team-building activities involving both temporary and existing staff can be implemented. Utilizing collaborative communication tools and scheduling regular feedback sessions can help in identifying and resolving any issues, thereby ensuring the smooth operation of augmented teams.

The Top Benefits and Advantages of Staff Augmentation

Organizations across industries can leverage staff augmentation to reach strategic goals such as launching new products or expanding market reach. For example, temporary product managers and engineers can be hired through staff augmentation, ensuring timely and budget-compliant product development and launch.

To address the potential risk of losing project-specific knowledge when temporary staff leave, businesses could implement knowledge transfer sessions towards the end of the contract. These sessions could involve documenting procedures and training existing staff, ensuring continuity and retention of project knowledge.

How Staff Augmentation Helps in Mitigating Business Risks

Managing risks associated with staff augmentation is crucial. It starts with choosing a reputable staffing agency with a proven track record and references from previous clients. Thorough vetting of potential staff members is also key, including checking references, reviewing resumes, and conducting interviews. Contracts with staffing agencies should be comprehensive and clear, detailing terms of engagement, work scope, duration of engagement, and rate of pay.

Navigating Regulatory Compliance in Different Industries with Staff Augmentation

Staff augmentation can aid in navigating complex regulatory environments. Ensuring compliance with laws and regulations is critical, and staffing agencies should provide adequate documentation to prove this compliance. Temporary staff must also be well-versed in the company's data privacy and security policies and procedures.

To manage legal implications when hiring temporary staff, businesses can consult with legal experts to ensure contracts are compliant with local laws. Regular compliance audits can also be conducted. It is also the staffing agencies' responsibility to ensure their employees are informed of their rights and responsibilities and receive necessary training.

Assessing ROI from Staff Augmentation

Staff augmentation is a strategic approach to workforce management, providing access to skilled resources without the obligations associated with full-time employees, yielding significant cost savings. It also enhances efficiency, enabling rapid and effective project completion which boosts productivity and cuts expenses. By facilitating the launch of new products, expansion into new markets, and responding to increased demand, staff augmentation significantly bolsters revenue growth.

To illustrate, consider hiring a specialized role, like a Lead DevOps Backend Engineer. Direct hiring incurs fixed salary, a 5% 401K match, healthcare expenses, and additional perks like training and bonuses. The total annual cost for such direct hire can escalate to around $209,000.

In contrast, employing staff augmentation via a provider such as Rather Labs offers financial advantages. The company pays an hourly rate, let's assume a high-end rate of $60 for a typical 40-hour work week. The total annual cost tallies to about $124,800, and additional expenses such as 401K contributions, healthcare costs, and other perks are borne by the staff augmentation provider.

Comparing these models, staff augmentation allows the company to realize approximately 40% cost reduction, a substantial saving that positively impacts the company's overall financial management.

Beyond cost savings, staff augmentation provides the flexibility to scale workforce up or down as per project requirements, leading to better resource allocation and project execution.

Staff augmentation also provides access to specialized talent as and when needed. This availability of expertise, coupled with the elimination of managing employee benefits, renders staff augmentation a compelling model for companies requiring specialized roles.

In sum, when contrasted with direct hiring, staff augmentation emerges as a cost-effective, flexible, and efficient method for acquiring and managing talent for technical roles.

The Future of Staff Augmentation

Staff augmentation is poised to play a central role in the future of work, particularly in digital workplaces, AI, and machine learning. With dynamic and scalable hiring models, businesses can leverage AI-driven talent platforms and remote teams to meet project requirements. By staying ahead of these trends, companies can use staff augmentation to maximize flexibility, agility, and cost savings, thereby effectively navigating the challenges of a rapidly evolving tech landscape.

Macarena López Morillo
Head of People
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